ROBIN MELANIE LEACOCK has directed a documentary on aging.
It’s fun, lighthearted, nostalgic & inspiring about what it’s like to be old.
We tend to put older people aside in our culture.
STELLA & CO : A ROMANTIC MUSICAL COMEDY DOCUMENTARY ABOUT AGING shows, in an upbeat stylish way, just how seniors should be central in our world.

The Director, Robin Melanie Leacock, features “STELLA” and her friends – all charismatic people in their 80s, 90s, and 100s, who are brilliant experts on aging.
Indigenous people venerated their elders. So Robin created a thought provoking, humorous,inspiring film about older people.
This is Robin’s 5th film.
Previous films including IT GIRLS, I’LL TAKE Manhattan, A Passion FOR GIVING, & STELLA IS 95 have been shown nationally on PBS and WE TV.
Two previous documentaries aired on PBS : A PASSION FOR GIVING & STELLA IS 95.
This documentary, a sequel called STELLA & CO : A ROMANTIC MUSICAL COMEDY DOCUMENTARY ABOUT AGING is an uplifting documentary about aging.
This documentary is a sequel called STELLA & CO : A ROMANTIC MUSICAL COMEDY DOCUMENTARY ABOUT AGING ~ an uplifting documentary about aging!
The documentary features articulate, charismatic Seniors who have a lot to say about aging …

Robin is the daughter-in-law of esteemed cinema verite pioneer RICHARD LEACOCK & married to documentary filmmaker Robert Leacock.
One of the seniors, is Robin’s Mother Estelle Craig, who has written five brilliant books since she turned the age of 100 years young.

Aging is a subject that affects all of us. There is so much we can do for our older population !